Running Script


  1. Single GPU

$ DIST=~/hetseq
$ python3 ${DIST}/hetseq/  \
        --task bert   --data ${DIST}/preprocessing/test_128/ \
        --dict ${DIST}/preprocessing/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt  \
        --config_file ${DIST}/preprocessing/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_config.json  \
        --max-sentences 32  --fast-stat-sync --max-update 900000 --update-freq 4  \
        --valid-subset test --num-workers 4 \
        --warmup-updates 10000  --total-num-update 1000000 --lr 0.0001  \
        --weight-decay 0.01 --distributed-world-size 1  \
        --device-id 0 --save-dir bert_single_gpu
  1. Multiple GPU on a single Node, examples are all four GPUs on one Node.

$ DIST=~/hetseq
$ python3 ${DIST}/hetseq/  \
        --task bert   --data ${DIST}/preprocessing/test_128/ \
        --dict ${DIST}/preprocessing/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt  \
        --config_file ${DIST}/preprocessing/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_config.json  \
        --max-sentences 32  --fast-stat-sync --max-update 900000 --update-freq 4  \
        --valid-subset test --num-workers 4 \
        --warmup-updates 10000  --total-num-update 1000000 --lr 0.0001  \
        --weight-decay 0.01 \
        --save-dir bert_node1gpu4
  1. Multiple GPUs on multiple nodes, examples are two nodes with four GPUs each.

  • on the main node

$ DIST=~/hetseq
$ python3 ${DIST}/hetseq/  \
        --task bert   --data ${DIST}/preprocessing/test_128/ \
        --dict ${DIST}/preprocessing/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt  \
        --config_file ${DIST}/preprocessing/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_config.json  \
        --max-sentences 32  --fast-stat-sync --max-update 900000 --update-freq 4  \
        --valid-subset test --num-workers 4 \
        --warmup-updates 10000  --total-num-update 1000000 --lr 0.0001  \
        --weight-decay 0.01 --save-dir bert_node2gpu4  \
        --distributed-init-method tcp:// \
        --distributed-world-size 8 --distributed-gpus 4 --distributed-rank 0
  • on the other second node

$ DIST=~/hetseq
$ python3 ${DIST}/hetseq/  \
        --task bert   --data ${DIST}/preprocessing/test_128/ \
        --dict ${DIST}/preprocessing/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt  \
        --config_file ${DIST}/preprocessing/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_config.json  \
        --max-sentences 32  --fast-stat-sync --max-update 900000 --update-freq 4  \
        --valid-subset test --num-workers 4 \
        --warmup-updates 10000  --total-num-update 1000000 --lr 0.0001  \
        --weight-decay 0.01 \
        --distributed-init-method tcp:// \
        --distributed-world-size 8 --distributed-gpus 4 --distributed-rank 4


  1. Single GPU

$ DIST=~/hetseq
$ python3 ${DIST}/hetseq/  \
        --task mnist  --optimizer adadelta --lr-scheduler PolynomialDecayScheduler  \
        --data ${DIST}  --clip-norm 100 \
        --max-sentences 64  --fast-stat-sync --max-epoch 20 --update-freq 1  \
        --valid-subset test --num-workers 4 \
        --warmup-updates 0  --total-num-update 50000 --lr 1.01  \
        --distributed-world-size 1 --device-id 0 --save-dir mnist_single_node
  1. Multiple GPU on a single Node, examples are all four GPUs on one Node.

$ DIST=~/hetseq
$ python3 ${DIST}/hetseq/  \
        --task mnist  --optimizer adadelta --lr-scheduler PolynomialDecayScheduler  \
        --data ${DIST}  --clip-norm 100 \
        --max-sentences 64  --fast-stat-sync --max-epoch 20 --update-freq 1  \
        --valid-subset test --num-workers 4 \
        --warmup-updates 0  --total-num-update 50000 --lr 1.01  \
        --save-dir mnist_node1gpu4
  1. Multiple GPUs on multiple nodes, examples are two nodes with four GPUs each.

  • on the main node

$ DIST=~/hetseq
$ python3 ${DIST}/hetseq/  \
        --task mnist  --optimizer adadelta --lr-scheduler PolynomialDecayScheduler  \
        --data ${DIST}  --clip-norm 100 \
        --max-sentences 64  --fast-stat-sync --max-epoch 20 --update-freq 1  \
        --valid-subset test --num-workers 4 \
        --warmup-updates 0  --total-num-update 50000 --lr 1.01  \
        --save-dir mnist_node2gpu4 \
        --distributed-init-method tcp:// \
        --distributed-world-size 8 --distributed-gpus 4 --distributed-rank 0
  • on the other second node

$ DIST=~/hetseq
$ python3 ${DIST}/hetseq/  \
        --task mnist  --optimizer adadelta --lr-scheduler PolynomialDecayScheduler  \
        --data ${DIST}  --clip-norm 100 \
        --max-sentences 64  --fast-stat-sync --max-epoch 20 --update-freq 1  \
        --valid-subset test --num-workers 4 \
        --warmup-updates 0  --total-num-update 50000 --lr 1.01  \
        --distributed-init-method tcp:// \
        --distributed-world-size 8 --distributed-gpus 4 --distributed-rank 4

Evaluate MNIST Task

$ DIST=~/hetseq
$ python3 ${DIST}/hetseq/ --model_ckpt /path/to/check/point --mnist_dir ${DIST}